Dealing with Anxiety - or What drives you?
Added 9/28/2010
Posted by Doug Seletzky at 11:20:18 AM
"Consider when you become anxious, preoccupied, and filled with fretful concern. Something happened –you can’t get it off your mind. Something is happening now—you’re consumed with it. Something will happen tomorrow—your mind turns it over and over, chewing on every possible contingency.As the sin of worry tightens its unpleasant hold on your soul, perhaps you jump for some escapist quick fix: raid the icebox, watch TV, masturbate, read a novel, go shopping, drink a beer, play a game. Or perhaps you mobilize to seize control: make a string of phone calls, work all night, build a faction of supporters, clean your house, get mad.Why is all this going on?
As a Christian you profess that God controls all things, and works everything to His glory and your ultimate well-being. You profess that God is your rock and refuge, a very present help in whatever troubles you face. You profess to worship Him, trust Him, love Him, obey Him. But in that moment—hour, day, season —of anxiety, escape, or drivenness, you live as if you needed to control all things. You live as if money, or someone’s approval, or a ―successfull sermon, or your grade on an exam, or good health, or avoiding conflict, or getting your way, or (fill in the blank)…matters more than trusting and loving God. You live as if some temporary good feeling could provide you refuge, as if our actions could make the world right.Your functional god competes with your professed God. You live as if some temporary good feeling could provide you refuge, as if your actions could make the world right. Your functional god competes with your professed God. Unbelievers are whollyowned by ungodly motives. True believers are often severely compromised, distracted, and divided. But grace reorients us, purifies us, and turns us back to our Lord." David Powlison "Seeing with New Eyes"
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